Peter K. Johnson

Michigan State University

Department of Mathematics

619 Red Cedar Road

C330 Wells Hall

East Lansing, MI 48824

Currently, I am a mathematics postdoc at Michigan State University. I graduated from the mathematics PhD program at the University of Virginia in May of 2022 under the direction of Thomas Mark.

Before attending the University of Virginia, I graduated with a Master’s of Science in the Physical Sciences Division at the University of Chicago, with a concentration in mathematics.

I am interested in low-dimensional topology. More specifically, I use tools from symplectic topology and gauge theory to study 3 and 4 dimensional manifolds. Most recently, I have been working on using involutive Heegaard Floer homology and lattice cohomology to obstruct certain 3-manifolds from being obtained by zero surgery on a knot in the three sphere. I have also been exploring connections between lattice cohomology, Heegaard Floer homology, and the \(\widehat{Z}\) invariant.